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Fire Extinguisher Training

React confidently in the event of a fire

Why does an organisation need Fire Extinguisher Training?

Everyone in your building needs to know which fire extinguisher to select in what situation and how to confidently use one should the need ever arise. This is why fire extinguisher training is so very important.

This training not only saves lives but can drastically minimise costly fire damage to equipment and premises should a fire break out.

Who needs Fire Extinguisher Training?

Here at Fire Safety Specialists we have developed fire extinguisher training which is suitable for all levels of employees, but we recognise some companies have nominated individuals who will tackle a fire (if safe to do so) whilst others evacuate.

It is of paramount importance that the appropriate people in your organisation are trained so that they can select the correct fire extinguisher and use it confidently to maximum effect. This can not only help contain a fire until the emergency services arrive, but it can save thousands of pounds in damage and disruption.

Why do people need training?

Any individual who may be required to use a fire extinguisher, should a fire occur, needs to be 100% sure on which type of fire extinguisher to use, in each location in the building. If electrical equipment was to catch fire it would be no good selecting a water extinguisher for example.

All appropriate individuals need to understand the difference between the contents of the extinguishers. They need to be instantly able to recognise which extinguisher it is from its labelling. And, they need to know what circumstances to use each type of extinguisher in.

Extinguishers are powerful pieces of equipment to operate. Knowing how to hold, activate and use them correctly is vitally important and can really make a difference to the effectiveness of the extinguisher’s use.

What does the Fire Extinguisher Training Cover?

The course covers:
The chemistry of fire
The behaviour of fire
Fire classifications
Fire prevention
Contacting the Fire Service
Types, classifications and use of fire extinguishers
General fire precautions
Practical ‘hands on’ use of extinguishers
If you would like to discuss Fire Extinguisher training or any other requirements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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