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5 top fire safety tips

5 Tips for a Safer Workplace. 
Whether  an employer or an employee, we all have a responsibility to look after fire safety  in the workplace.  It does not need to be a daunting task, it's simply a matter of common sense, an efficient fire safety record system and education.

1. Don’t let fire start - Prevention is better than cure.  More business collapse following a serious fire than recover.  So to guarantee you can pay the mortgage next month or book the family holiday, make sure that systems, processes and policies are put in place to prevent fire.

2. Appoint Responsible Staff -  Fire Wardens, Fire Coordinators and a Person responsible for fire safety should be appointed. The Fire Wardens and Responsible Person (as required by law) can share the day to day duties such as checking extinguishers, means of escape and carrying out weekly fire alarm checks.  Trained Fire Wardens and Fire Coordinators ensure that an evacuation happens quickly and efficiently. 

3. Write it down - Prepare an Emergency Plan and Fire Procedures.  Make sure they are available for staff to read and understand.  Ensure that the Fire Risk Assessment has been carried out, the details made available to employees and other occupiers, and that any actions taken to rectify issues are recorded.

4. Repetition, repetition, repetition - repetition is the mother of all learning.  Train staff when they start with the business as part of their induction, and repeat the training on a regular basis. Carry out evacuation drills every 6 months so that staff, Fire Wardens and Fire Coordinators get to practice the drills and procedures.

5. If in doubt, ask - Don't sit in blissful ignorance.  Free advice is available from the local Fire Service, online.......and by calling 01246 434 314 for thorough and sensible fire safety help.

For further advice please give us a call on 01246 434 314.

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