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Business Fire Statistics 2013 - 2014

Business Fire Statistics 2013 - 2014

If you ever thought fires don't happen, read on....

Newcastle Building Fire

In times of austerity, business need to tighten the belt. That's a fact! Fire safety often suffers with business owners not realising the extend to which a fire can affect a business, or how often this happens.

Fires, deaths and injuries

Over the ten years from 2003/04 to 2013/14, there were:

  • 11,156 fires in retail and vehicle trade premises resulting in 378 casualties, including 12 fatalities
  • 8,837 fires in recreational and other cultural services resulting in 115 casualties, including 3 fatalities
  • 5,041 fires in restaurants, cafes, pubs, etc. resulting in 270 casualties, including 5 fatalities
  • 4,208 fires in schools resulting in 129 casualties
  • 3,648 fires in hospitals and healthcare resulting in 412 casualties, including 4 fatalities
  • 2,823 fires in industrial premises resulting in 102 casualties, including 1 fatality
  • 1,846 fires in hotels, boarding houses, hostels, etc. resulting in 172 casualties, including 4 fatalities
  • 924 fires in FE, HE and pre-schools resulting in 19 casualties.

In 2013/14 alone, there were:

  • 2,139 fires in industrial premises
  • 5,561 fires in commercial/retail
  • 1,898 fires in schools, higher/further education and health/hospital premises

* Published in Sept 2105 by the Chief Fire Officers Association.

Investing in fire safety means investing in your business and your future.

Don't become another business fire statistic - call Fire Safety Specialists on 01246 434 314.

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