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Responsible Person

Are you the "Responsible Person"?

The Reform Order for Fire is the legislation and guidance for managing fire safety in the workplace, and requires a responsible person to to charge of managing fire safety. Ensuring that the Fire Risk Assessment is carried out and regularly reviewed falls to the 'responsible person', meaning that they must have the expertise and time to carry out an effective Fire Risk Assessment.

If you’re a business owner, landlord or occupier of business or other non-domestic premises, you’ll be responsible for fire safety. and will be the ‘responsible person’.

As the responsible person you must as a minimum:

  • carry out a fire risk assessment of the premises and review it regularly.
  • tell staff or their representatives about the risks you’ve identified.
  • put in place, and maintain, appropriate fire safety measures.
  • plan for an emergency.
  • provide staff information, fire safety instruction and training .

The responsible person can do the fire risk assessment with the help of standard fire safety advice documents.  If the responsible person does not have the time or experience, they must appoint appoint a ‘competent person’ to help, eg a professional risk assessor.

This is where we can help.

Fire Safety Specialists has over 200 years combined fire safety experience, and employs only ex fire service officers to look after your fire safety...and we do a good job of it which explains why our customers return to us year on year.  Click here to see what our customers think of us:

For a free fire safety health check, queries on fire safety or to book a Fire Risk Assessment, call Fire Safety Specialists on 01246 434 314.
Best wishes

The Fire Safety Specialists Team

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