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What is an Emergency Action Plan

An emergency action plan outlines what action should be taken in the event of a fire and should be made available to all members of staff.  It should be based on the findings of your Fire Risk Assessment, and should include details of assembly points, emergency contact numbers, location of fire safety equipment, along with other relevant information.

It is a legal requirement to have a documented emergency action plan if you employ 5 or more people, and the document can be used as the basis for staff fire safety training.

It should contain details such as:

Fire Procedures -

  • What to do if you discover a Fire,
  • What to do if you hear the fire alarm
  • The assembly points
Fire Alarm Details
  • Electronic/Manual/None - how is the alarm raised?
Means of Escape Routes
  • Fire

Fire Fighting Equipment

  • Types/Locations/uses

Duties and Responsibilities

  •  Fire Co-ordinator /Deputy Fire Co-ordinator
  •  Fire Wardens/Deputy Fire Wardens

Contacting the Fire Service.

  • How
  • What number to use
  • What information to give

Special Arrangements

  • Evacuation of Disabled People
  • External contractors
  • Visitors

Isolation of Hazards

  • Are there any materials, any machinery, any procedures that need to be stopped or cleared away at the time of any evacuation, or the Fire Brigade made aware of?

Fire Safety Instruction and Training

  • New Employees and Annual Staff Training.

Isolation of Services

  •  Locations of Gas, Electricity or other hazards as appropriate.

This can be a detailed document, needing time spent on it to get it right.  For advice on this or any other fire safety matters, call Chris on 01246 434 314.

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