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Staff Fire Safety Training

React confidently in the event of a fire

If a fire breaks out in the workplace, everyone needs to know what to do immediately.

The correct training can save lives and substantially minimise damage to property.

Employer’s responsibilities for Staff Fire Safety Training

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that all employers are responsible to provide staff fire safety training for their employees, appropriate to their working situation.
But the truth is, most employers have no idea where to start. 

Showing people where the fire exit is at induction and instructing them to ‘get out’ if they hear the alarm is simply not enough.

If the company is not large enough to have a Health and Safety Department who can provide specialist training, then an outside consultancy should be brought in.

How Staff Fire Safety Training Works

Here at Fire Safety Specialists we have designed a range of training courses which can be tailored to your business needs and your team. 

Our courses are run on your site, so that your staff are in their real life situation whilst learning the emergency plan, so they are totally prepared. However, if there is a benefit to running courses off-site, this can be arranged.

Our staff fire safety training has been designed by experienced professionals with many years of firefighting and fire safety training behind them. They have personally seen the devastation fire can leave behind in a vast number of scenarios and so can easily convey the importance of the training with real life case studies.

Our courses never feel like a tick box exercise to those who attend.

What Staff Fire Safety Training Covers

The chemistry of fire
The behaviour of fire
Fire classifications
Fire prevention
Contacting the Fire Service
Types, classifications and use of fire extinguishers
General fire precautions
Fire procedures, specific to the employee’s environment (if appropriate)
Courses can also include
Courses are designed for a maximum of 20 delegates.

If you would like to discuss your Staff Fire Safety Training or any other requirements, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Request A Quote

Call 01246 439210 to speak to one of our friendly team. Or fill out our
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